No matter what your interest, ability, age, or how much time you have to give, there is a way for you to become involved at Queen of Peace. Our volunteers provide a powerhouse of skills, time, talent, and energy. You will work together with staff and other volunteers to make a difference in the lives of our parishioners, our community, and especially in your life!
Administrative Advisory Council
This council assists the pastor in the financial matters of the parish. Meetings are on the last Thursday of each month.
Pastoral Advisory Council
This council assists the pastor in forming policy for the growth and direction of spirituality and hospitality. Meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 pm in the Parish Office.
Current members: Fr. Timothy Mockaitis, Nahid Pecoroni, Gilbert Gaviola, Linda Cloyd, Lora Thompson, Kelly Herb, and Phil Salvatori
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Altar Servers
Homebound Ministers
Funeral Luncheon
Table of Plenty (food pantry)
Coffee and Donuts on Sunday Morning
Happy 39ers
Knights of Columbus
Queens of Peace
Vocations Committee/Salem-Area Serra Club
Adult/Youth or Children's Choir
Cantor for Mass
Bible Study, Men/Women
Young Adult leadership